кинофильм «Schindler’s List»


кинофильм «Schindler’s List «(p) 1993
режиссер Steven Spielberg.

OYF’N Pripetshok
Yeroushalain Shel Zahav

  OYF’N Pripetshok


Music John Williams.

Oyfn pripetshik brent a fayerl
un in shtub iz heys
un der rebbe lernt kleyne
dem alef beys
zet zhe kinderlech gedenkt zhe tayere
vos ihr lernt do
zogt zhe noch amol
un takeh noch amol:
komets alef oh.

English translate: On The Hearth

On the hearth a little fire burns
And the room is warm
And the Rabbi teaches little
Their Aleph-beis
Dear little ones, take mind
What you learn here
Say it once again,
and then once again more:
kamatz-Aleph is pronounced»O»


  Yeroushalain Shel Zahav


Music John Williams.

avir harim tsalul kayayin
v’rei’ach oranim
nisa b’ruach ha’arbayim
im kol pa’amonim
uv’tardemat ilan va’even
shvuya bachaloma
ha’ir asher badad yoshevet
uv’liba choma.

Y’rushalyaim shel zahav
v’shel n’choshet v’shel or
halo l’chol shirayich ani kinor.

English translate: Jerusalem Of Gold

Mountain air clear as wine
And a scent of pines
Is lifted in the twilight wind
With the sound of bells
And in the sleep of tree and stone
Captive in a dream
The city which stands alone
And in her heart a wall.

Jerusalem of gold
And of copper, and of light
For all your songs I am a violin



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